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Melt Away Seasonal Stress & Sting

January Exhibit is a Perfect Cure for the Winter Blahs

Michelle Tuthill

By Anita Bowser

At Kittanning Library this month, the works of artist and photographer Michelle Tuthill are bringing visitors a warm and colorful distraction from winter’s somber chill.

Michelle is a member of the Indiana Art Association, and her work has been displayed in various locations in Pittsburgh, Monroeville and Indiana. Samples of her photography are currently hanging at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Indiana and the library.

Local artists like Michelle are often able to book free exhibit space at the library, where they can leave behind business cards for public distribution and interested buyers.

A Pittsburgh native, Michelle now makes her home in nearby Indiana County where she indulges her love of painting, drawing, mixed-media art, and her favorite art form - photography.

Given a camera at a young age, Michelle taught herself a lot about framing and shooting images. She later studied art at CCAC and was inspired by frequent visits to the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts in Shady Side.

“I have had many influences to my art,” she said. “Today, I find a lot of inspiration from local artists and amateur photographers. They often have a fresh impression of the world and their works can be so stunning and creative.”

Michelle said her work brings her a sense of joy and peace that she wants to share with others.

“I feel the greatest pleasure I have is the feeling that comes over me when I’m creating art,” she said. “In a sometimes crazy, unpredictable world, I find peace in hiking the woods and taking photographs of beautiful sunsets, unusual rock formations, or anything else that might cross my path.”

At times like these, Michelle said her troubles drift away.

“It’s my hope that sharing the images I create will inspire the same feelings of peace and hope in others.”

To learn more about Michelle’s art show or to book an exhibit, contact the library at 724-543-1383.


Anita Bowser is a writer and blogger from Armstrong County. She’s a volunteer at Kittanning Library and has worked as a reporter, copy editor, content writer and a library director. Her favorite past times include reading, writing and avoiding arithmetic. Contact her at and find out more at

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