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It's 2021. Finally!

Happy New Year from your friends at Kittanning Library!

Well, we did it. We made it through an entire year of weekly blog posts. And, what a year it was! Thanks for sharing it with us.

In 2021, we will begin posting twice monthly -- on the first & third Thursday of each month. As always, we invite your suggestions for post topics. To share your thoughts, leave a comment below, email us, or tell us what you think next time you’re at the library.

This blog is aimed at increasing readers’ exposure & access to leisure activities. Hobbies, pop culture, and anything that makes life better may be of interest to our readers.

We welcome guest bloggers, with or without blogging experience. Just let us know you’re interested and we can help you with the details.

Thanks for your input! And, stay tuned for more news you can use in and around Armstrong County.


Our January 21 post will include recommendations & reviews of podcasts, in various categories (true crime, comedy, pop culture, and many more). If you have an interest in this topic, let us know.

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