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When is it Too Late to Fire your Attorney?

Are you going through a family law case but aren’t satisfied with your attorney’s services? Are you wondering when is it too late to fire your attorney?

As a client, you have the right to terminate your attorney’s services at any time and for any reason. However, there are certain factors here that you need to consider before doing so. They’re:

·        Client-attorney Agreement

Review your client-attorney Agreement to know the terms of termination. Also, analyze if a notice is to be provided beforehand and your financial obligations as per the agreement.

·        Attorney’s Fee

You’ll have to pay your attorney for all work done until termination. This may also include any expenses borne by your lawyer on your behalf.

·        Court Approval

Certain cases require the court’s approval for changing attorneys. While the courts generally grant such requests, there may be a delay in resuming proceedings.

·        Consulting a New Attorney

You must consult with a new attorney to make informed decisions. You’d want a new attorney as soon as you terminate your current lawyer.

·        Document Transfer

Make sure your current attorney transfers all files and documents to your new attorney and cooperate in the process.

·        Progress of your Case

Changing attorneys may impact your case. If your current attorney has made substantial progress, changing legal representation may cause delays and possibly harm your best interests.

Consult with Jos Family Law Today

Every client must be confident with their attorney. If you’re considering changing attorneys, discuss your situation and concerns with Jos Family Law. We’ll guide you on how to do so and the impact it may have on your case so that you can make informed decisions.

Call (714) 733-7066 or send an email to for a free and confidential consultation with Jos Family Law.


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